Monday, June 17, 2013

How about this rain

How about this rain....

maybe the world would be better off if all we ever talked about was the weather.  Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't solve everything because there are those of us that just crave an argument every now and then.  One person would say its going to be cloudy tomorrow, so someone would go out of their way to say that it would be stormy.  But it would eliminate 80.08% of all disagreements.  ( there is no scientific or mathematical theory or reasoning behind that number, it just looks like the word BooB if typed on an old school calculator )

The biggest loaded gun question to ever cross the threshold of our lips is "How was your day?"  Most of the time it is uttered without thought and with slight hope that the reply will be swift, nobody ever wants to be the one to light the powder keg.. But with that question uttered, the risk has been taken.. The dice has been thrown.

How was your day?


( oh thank god, now abruptly either change e subject or get the hell out of there.. )

How was your day?

Well let me tell you...

( ahhhh shit.... I don't have the time for this nor do I even care about this... Just shut up please!!! )

How was your day?

I'll let you know in half an hour...

( what the fuck is that even supposed to mean... Don't expect me to ask again.. )

Now change is to the weather and everyone makes it out with enough time to make a sandwich, catch the game and even paint a freakin Pollock )

It really doesn't matter what we have to bitch about, things could always be worse, you just have to look at it in the right light.  Let me explain for you...

How was your day?

I got fired!

Think of all the free time you'll have now!

But I am broke!!

Well you could have always had your head cut off by a roller coaster..  ( Check  & Mate )

With weather, there are really only 3 responses to a question..

How about this sunshine!!

A) it's too hot...
B) I love it
C) I guess it's okay ( these people need a crotch shot.. Miserable little pricks )

How about this rain?

A) we needed it!!
B) too much, it can stop anytime
C) I guess it's okay. ( you're really asking for it aren't you??? )

Let me start is all over again....

Maybe the world would be better off if we never talked to each other... We are all narcissistic little whiners in our own way who crave the Facebook like on our life.  We ask question to get answers that will lead to a question being asked back so we can talk about what we really always want to talk about... Ourselves.   

Here's something to think about...

How WAS your day?? 

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